Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Camping Gear First Aid Kit List

With so many camping gear products out there it can be confusing on what first aid supplies you should carry in your camping gear first aid kit. Best Camping Gear Reviews has put together a list of our favorite items to carry in our camping gear first aid kits. All of these items can be bought at your local camping gear stores or pharmacy stores.

First Aid Kit List

Adhesive bandages
Sterile gauze
Non adherent sterile dressings
Absorbent dressing
Cloth adhesive tape
Butterfly bandages
Transparent dressing
Antibiotic cream
Triangular bandage
Safety pins
Elastic bandage
Iodine swabs
Alcohol pads
Sugar packets
Plastic bags
CPR mask

The above mentioned items will cover you for everything from headaches, diabetes, small cuts, to larger wounds. One additional item that you might want to consider is a ResQPak. It is to treat emergency trauma kits. Have fun on your next camping trip and stay safe!